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Single Family Rental Homes in Charleston 

Rental Homes Charleston| Buying property in Charleston, South Carolina is an excellent choice for property investors who want to rent single-family homes. Charleston recently surpassed Columbia as the largest city in South Carolina with the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood doubling in size since 2016. According to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data, 28 new people move to the Charleston region each day with is helping Charleston property management companies boom with new business, especially when it comes to single-family homes.

Charleston, South Carolina is growing at three times the national average, and one-third of the people that live in the state are renters. Home values are increasing, and the average rent is rising right alongside. Families are also growing in Charleston at a rate of ten new babies being born each day which means that families will need more space for their expanding families.

Three and four bedroom homes are currently the most sought-after property in Charleston. Most often, this many bedrooms is only available in single family homes. Nearly two-thirds of the residents in Charleston are between 18-44 years old which is also the prime market for tenants. The millennial population grew by 58% from 2000-2012, and those people are starting families and moving out of apartments, seeking single-family rental homes instead.

Charleston, property management companies, can help property owners market to the right people in Charleston to ensure that your home is never on the rental market for long and always stays rented. Property management companies are also able to handle all tenant relations for you including maintenance requests, late payments for rent, complaints, and general questions. When you rent single family homes in Charleston, it is crucial to use a property manager that is professional and can earn you profits on your home.

Contact Scott Properties today to see how we can help you start making an income with your single-family rental home.