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Rental Homes Charleston: Tips for Living Near the Ocean

If you own rental homes Charleston, South Carolina, then one thing your tenants must always be aware of the hazards of living near the ocean. Prepare your renters for what they need to expect about living near the ocean before they sign their lease and move in, especially if they are not local!

  1. Hurricanes-This one is a no brainer. If you live by the ocean you must be prepared for hurricanes. Make sure to let your tenants know what their responsibility is as far as hurricane proofing and what you will be providing or doing for them. You should also make sure your tenants known when hurricane season is. Consider giving them handouts about hurricanes and coastal risks.
  2. There is Sand Everywhere-Even if your rental property is not located on the beach it is likely that renters will experience sand in their home or find it in their vacuums. Sand is part of life when you live on the coast, especially if you have a rental home Charleston because the city is right on the beach!
  3. Salty Breeze-Ocean breezes are salty, and the breeze can be much cooler than the temperature outside. Most people who have rental homes Charleston find themselves wearing layers when not in the height of summer. The weather is also unpredictable when you live near the ocean with storms that can breeze in without much notice.

People who search for rental homes Charleston want to live in the city because of the rich culture and proximity to the water. When you live within steps of the beach there are water sports, boardwalks, live entertainment, and beautiful landscapes in your backyard. There are drawbacks to living so close to the water however and your renters need to be aware of all that costal living entails.