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Property Management in Charleston | Expanding Your Rental Property Business to Multiple Locations

According to a State of the Industry Report for 2021 by Buildium, more than three-quarters of property investors plan to expand their portfolio within the next few years. Many investors navigating Property Management in Charleston know the value of having properties close to the metropolitan areas of the city, but now is a great time to start expanding into other neighborhoods around Charleston. Some investors don’t know the best practices to make their dream of expansion into other communities a reality; however, we’ve got some tips to share with you!

Here are some Best Practice Tips for Property Management in Charleston:

  1. Research the Market First- When you are looking to expand your rental properties into other communities the first thing you must do is research the market. As an investor, you need to know-how and understand the volatility of the real estate market as well as the market rental rates for comparable homes to what you are looking at purchasing. You want to ensure you will make a good profit off the home and that the rental market is stable.
  2. Research Regulations- There are many things to consider before being able to turn a property into a rental including zoning regulations, HUD guidelines, occupancy laws, landlord and tenant ordinances, and other laws that could impact property management in Charleston.
  3. Hire Property Management- One of the most important things an investor can do when expanding into new communities is hire a company that handles property management in Charleston. Property management companies have the resources and knowledge needed about the communities around Charleston to know exactly the best way to rent and manage your single-family rental investments. Property management in Charleston can give your rental business the professional edge you’ll need to be successful.

In addition to your property management team, investors need to have accountants, lawyers, and other staff to ensure their business interests are best protected. Advisors will help investors understand when their resources are stretched or able to expand, as well as help, understand your risk and return on investment strategies.

If you’re ready to add property management to your team, call Scott Properties at 843-790-4929.