One of the most stressful parts of owning rental property is the large expense occurred when a major appliance breaks down or needs replaced such as the HVAC system. The price of the new system as well as installation can run thousands of dollars—an expense that many property owners are not always prepared to shoulder. When you partner with a Charleston property management company, you can discover the key to making your HVAC system last longer.
Preventative Maintenance- Every year your HVAC system should have an inspection that cleans the system, removes any debris from the exterior components, change thermostat batteries, and change the air filter along with checking for damages to the ductwork. The air filters should also be changed every three months or more often depending on how dirty they are. Charleston property management companies have the best rates worked out with local vendors to provide scheduled maintenance and keep warranties valid.
Lease Instructions- Include safety measures and precautions to keep the HVAC system up and running in the lease. Many times, Charleston property management makes sure to include keeping HVAC closets free of boxes and personal items into the lease. If these units are in the basement, you can mark out lines on the floor with tape showing tenants to keep four feet clear on all sides of the furnace or air conditioner.
Inspections- Property managers should do inspections on properties every six months or at lease renewal to ensure that the home is being taken care of according to the lease instructions. The HVAC system, air filter, and thermostat can also be checked during this time to ensure proper working order, along with other appliances.
The best way to increase the longevity of rental properties and appliances is to be proactive and preventive. Let a Charleston property management team with maintenance connections handle the management and upkeep of your rental properties.
Schedule an appointment with a property manager at Scott Properties today at 843-790-4929.